Let’s Start A Revolution Manifesto.

“To create is to resist, to resist is to create,” French diplomat Stephane Hessel once said. And according to German philosopher Karl Marx “things do not have to be the way they are.” After approximately five thousand years since the first civilizations arose, the world of 21. century is the world of social injustice, economic violence, racist neo-imperialism, political depravity, sexist patriarchy and environmental destruction. And because art should not only exist for an aesthetic function, it should carry a deeper message and call for action, the works of the "Let's Start A Revolution" series point to some of the most serious problems of society in the 2020s.

While all works reflect these serious problems, some of them even directly call for active change. The goal is the same for each work – to point out an issue and force the viewer to think about the given issue and find solutions, which s/he may then try to apply in practice according to her/his abilities and possibilities. Because in order to achieve a real change, as many of us as possible must become active.

We must stand up together against manifestations of injustice, lawlessness, hatred and violence, first at the local level that will become gradually interconnected to the global one. We must stop the demonstrations of demagogy and xenophobia, which have spilled over through social networks and populist politics into interpersonal relations in the entire society. We must destroy the practices of concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few and establish the rules according to which the richest will give society their fair share. We need to replace governments that sow primitivism and hatred in societies while approving policies that suit only the rich and powerful. We must end homophobic, racist and neo-colonial practices that disadvantage and exploit selected populations and parts of the world and do not want to respect the fact that we are all equal. We must destroy the patriarchy that continues to disadvantage and impoverish women, and in some regions of the world even denies them education and free decision-making, reducing them to the level of slaves serving the needs of men. We must stop uncontrolled destruction of nature by greedy multinational conglomerates which do not want to respect that we have put our planet on a short path to the environmental disaster.

We must be loud, we must resist, we must protest and take steps towards the global transformation of system and society. Otherwise, nothing will change and very soon mankind will destroy itself and the entire planet.

As a result, I try to resist and create, create and resist in the way to contribute to a change, because things do not have to be the way they are and a change is always possible however impossible it may seem.

Adria Marxia, 2022